What working parents and carers say...
We judge ourselves by the feedback we receive from you
"I needed a nanny while my nanny was on holiday - the service provided was excellent and professional."

"The emergency childcare let me carry on with a big project as it approached a key deadline when I would otherwise have needed time off as my daughter was unable to attend pre-school."

"Absolutely love and appreciate this. Cannot explain the help it gives my family. Enables me to come into work without having to worry about childcare at times where usual childcare arrangements not available, especially in half term holidays and when very busy at work; allows me to get to work rather than leaving work to cover childcare."

"I would have had to use annual leave to care for the children which would not have been ideal given that I am in a client facing role and I would have had to cancel bookings. It is done with minimal fuss, so your colleagues are not even aware that you are having problems finding someone to look after your children."

"I am a working mother with no childcare support at home and it helps to be able to book something online on a short notice. In the absence of this facility, I would have had to take days off work on days when the schools are closed and there are no camps available."

"This benefit allows me to be able to assist in the care for my elderly and ill parent and avoids me needing to take time off to provide this care myself. This support is very valuable and certainly is a big help."

"It saved me hours of looking for information on my own and stop worrying about school application systems and missing deadlines. Now that I have more information I am able to structure a plan to work towards which will give me better focus at work for what I need to deliver."