What working parents and carers say...
We judge ourselves by the feedback we receive from you
"I needed a nanny while my nanny was on holiday - the service provided was excellent and professional."

"I was not sure we would be eligible for any help from Work+Family Space, as I am not the main carer for the family member I needed support for, but I could not have been more wrong. The team quickly found a local agency who could help and worked with me and my Mother to arrange respite care for her Husband. Even when he had to be placed into full time residential care they were available by phone to help with any questions we had. A true testiment to the quality of care that Work+Family Space can help access, I would recommend anyone considering it, to phone and see what they can do to help. The team that provided respite care were fantastic, and a wealth of advice and experience by phone in dealing with my Step Father's illness as well as providing the respite care booked."

"When my usual childcare (Grandparent) is unavailable I would have to take a day off work to look after my son if this service were not available. It gives me peace of mind and takes the stress out of organising emergency childcare."

"Backup Adult & Eldercare enables me to concentrate on my demanding and stressful job without having to worrying. I know my parents are receiving the care they need. It makes their lives much easier."

"Emergency Childcare is a service that provides peace of mind that comes after the initial stress of realising that you need help with childcare - these moments always happen when you least expect and could do without. ECC are amazing every single time, my experience has been that if I need help, they are there for me and will do everything to help find the appropriate care. "

"Straight forward process to book. Amazing childminder, couldn't have been happier!! My daughter thoroughly enjoyed her days there with lots of activities and trips. It meant that I could concentrate on my working day and not worry as I knew she was in safe hands! An amazing benefit to have, it really is priceless to know that you can continue with work commitments without the interruption of worrying about childcare, knowing they are in safe hands!"

"Hugely beneficial, if I did not have access to this service I would most certainly have had difficulty achieving my work load. It is very professional, straight forward and overall an excellent benefit I'm very grateful for."