What working parents and carers say...
We judge ourselves by the feedback we receive from you
"I needed a nanny while my nanny was on holiday - the service provided was excellent and professional."

"A pain free way to get peace of mind about finding alternative childcare in an emergency situation. The service includes a variety of childcare options to suit different needs, which is great, as opposed to only offer nurseries - which are not ideal for everyone. Staff were very helpful and the whole process was very straightforward."

"It does what it says on the tin. Perfect help when really needed! Even though you think you have your childcare covered, there are moments when you're stuck and it happened to me. Emergency Childcare was a perfect way how to solve my childcare problem for 2 days. We used the same childminder and couldn't be happier."

"The ability to book a days nursery care for my daughter at her 'usual' nursery on a day when she wouldn't normally attend due to having to work on a day when I would normally be off work was invaluable and made working on the different day so much more stress free."

"Invaluable. I would have had to take the day off which doesn't always go down well especially when its busy at work. The team at Work+Family Space were very professional on the phone and rang the childminders for me as I needed to book it urgently. They rang me straight back and the customer service was 100%."

"Emergency Childcare it really good as it makes life less stressful. The childminder is always reliable and my children enjoy going there."

"The booking system is easy to use, but the main benefit for me was how I felt reassured after talking with the booking contact in the central office and the childminders, and the ease with which I was able to switch bookings when I felt the first childminder probably wasn't best suited for my son on that day.
Using an online service to book childcare with people I haven't vetted myself sounds like my worst nightmare - but it was the precise opposite.
I felt reassured all the way through and, most importantly, still felt I had a choice of childcare that I could speak with even when I was in a bit of a bind.
That kind of care means I will be more likely to use the service, and the same childminders, again. Thank you."
Using an online service to book childcare with people I haven't vetted myself sounds like my worst nightmare - but it was the precise opposite.
I felt reassured all the way through and, most importantly, still felt I had a choice of childcare that I could speak with even when I was in a bit of a bind.
That kind of care means I will be more likely to use the service, and the same childminders, again. Thank you."