What working parents and carers say...
We judge ourselves by the feedback we receive from you
"I needed a nanny while my nanny was on holiday - the service provided was excellent and professional."

"Backup Adult & Eldercare provides an easy, reliable way to provide support to elderly relatives, particularly at a distance, that can otherwise be very diffcult and time-consuming to arrange."

"I've already recommended this service to other people as I think it's excellent. Very easy to book, very good local participation.
I would have had to take days off work if this service wasn't available so it does help out those busy parents who sometimes/ or never have the luxury to have parents around to help out on those days when no other option is available."
I would have had to take days off work if this service wasn't available so it does help out those busy parents who sometimes/ or never have the luxury to have parents around to help out on those days when no other option is available."

"This service is a peace of mind for you and your child. The service is is of a very high quality that's both uncomplicated and reassuring.
For any employer offering their employees this service, you would be lucky to find a more crucial benefit as it's a benefit and experience that will fulfill your needs."
For any employer offering their employees this service, you would be lucky to find a more crucial benefit as it's a benefit and experience that will fulfill your needs."

"The service was quick and easy to register to and is even easier to use.
The kids love spending time at our chosen childminder and it allows me to fulfil my work commitments with the peace of mind that the kids are happy."
The kids love spending time at our chosen childminder and it allows me to fulfil my work commitments with the peace of mind that the kids are happy."

"I think the whole concept of your service is amazing. As a mum of two young children, the reassurance of having Work+Family Space as a backup is a huge weight off my mind. I have used you for both nannies at home as well as at nursery (albeit our usual nursery) and every aspect of both services has been fantastic. I don't have to worry about childcare when the children are ill, being able to ring up with 2 hours notice is a great benefit. "

"There isn't enough time in the day to find alternative childcare arrangements for those occasions when your normal setup isn't sufficient. Emergency Childcare took care of these, making it so much easier for me to focus on my work commitments. The nursery we chose was fantastic for my son, who wanted to go back the next day."